


多元化柬埔寨秘鲁船运拼柜,PERU卢森堡 瑞士

Core Member of IAM
Neptune is an integral part of IAM, the largest global professional coalition of forwarding, moving and shipping companies representing the Household Goods Industry.
Strong Resources
Rely on the self-employed network in China and hundreds of partners around the world, Neptune built a strong business network with comprehansive worldwide coverage and has strong customs clearance capacity.
Prefessional Consultants
Neptune's consultants have an average of five years of experience in international moving industry. While the customer service team is to provide full-managed logistics tracking and operation services, every process is in control.我司一直致力于国际物流业务的开拓和发展,以满足客户多元化、全球化的物流需求 ,至今已建立起遍布全球的海外代理网络,与300多家海外代理建立起了稳定的合作伙伴关系。公司精心挑选的海外代理遍及100多个国家,依托代理专业的目的港服务,结合我司在起运港的海空优势,我们不但能为客户提供门到门的全程物流服务,还能为客户量身订制个性化的物流服务。其中包括海外仓、FBA派送、目的港代收运费、清关、派送、货物分拨以及三角贸易、中转运输、门到门等服务